Scar After Thyroid Surgery
Scar, 2 weeks after minimally invasive thyroid lobectomy surgery (1/2 of the thyroid removed)
Scar, 2 weeks after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy
Scar, 2 weeks after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy
Scar, 2 weeks after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy
Scar, 2 weeks after minimally invasive thyroid lobectomy (1/2 of the thyroid removed)
Patient with Graves' Disease. Scar 2 weeks after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy.
Scar 3 weeks after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy.
Scar 6 weeks after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy.
Scar 6 months after minimally invasive thyroid lobectomy (1/2 of the thyroid removed).
Scar, 2 years after minimally invasive thyroid lobectomy (1/2 of the thyroid removed)
Scar, 9 months after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy
Scar, 9 months after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy
Scar. Patient with papillary thyroid carcinoma who has had the first surgery 5 weeks prior (1/2 of the thyroid was removed). Patient came back for completion of total thyroidectomy that included removal of the remaining ½ of the thyroid and lymph nodes in the central neck compartment (level 6 and 7), Second incision was placed in the old scar. This picture represents second scar 2 weeks after the second surgery.
Scar, 1 year after thyroid lobectomy.
Scar, 1.5 years after a total thyroidectomy for cancer.
Scar, 5 years after a total thyroidectomy for follicular thyroid carcinoma.
Scar, 3 years after a total thyroidectomy with modified radical neck dissection (removal of entire right neck lymph nodes) on the right side for advanced thyroid cancer with metastatic disease to the right side neck lymph nodes
Image on operating table, right after the completion of minimally invasive total thyroidectomy: you can see total thyroid with multiple nodules, above the thyroid is incision which is closed with temporally placed stitch. The size of the incision is much smaller than size of the thyroid with nodules.jpg
Total thyroid with cancer (papillary thyroid carcinoma) in the right thyroid lobe
Gigantic total thyroid gland extended into the chest cavity on the left side and resulted in airway compression.
This picture represents a new scar within the old scar: patient is 2 weeks after completion of total thyroidectomy - removal of the remaining 1/2 (left side) of the thyroid after her prior surgery - removal of 1/2 of the thyroid (right side) that was done with a big scar 30 years ago (the new scar is much smaller,was placed into the old scar and it is invisible within the old scar)
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes dissection (lymph nodes removal from the central neck) for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Scar, 2 weeks after the left thyroid lobectomy (left 1/2 of the thyroid removed)
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma
Scar, 2 weeks after the left thyroid lobectomy (left 1/2 of the thyroid removed) as a completion of total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma. First surgery was 4 weeks prior, only final pathological report has revealed cancer in the right side nodule and patient had to go back for a completion of total thyroidectomy (new incision was placed in the old scar)
Scar, 3 months after total thyroidectomy
Scar, 1 months after a total thyroidectomy for very large goiter with sever compressive symptoms
Left Thyroid lobe with a large, 4 cm, nodule (Follicular Neoplasm by preoperative FNA Biopsy)
Scar, 2 weeks after the right thyroid lobectomy (removal of the right 1/2 of the thyroid) for 6 cm (2 and 1/4 inches) hyperfunctioning nodule.
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy with central neck (level 6 and 7) lymph nodes dissection for metastatic to the lymph nodes Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.
Scar, 2 weeks after total thyroidectomy for small Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.
Scar, 2 weeks after the right thyroid lobectomy (removal of the right 1/2 of the thyroid) for 2.6 cm (about 1 inch) thyroid nodule.
Scar, 2 weeks after the left thyroid lobectomy (removal of the left 1/2 of the thyroid) for 3.1 cm (about 1 inch and 1/2) Follicular Adenoma.
A large thyroid goiter with multiple nodules that has extended inside of the chest cavity on the left side (multinodular goiter measured 3 and 1/2 inches width with intrathorasic extension on the left).
Scar, 2 weeks after the a total thyroidectomy in patient with goiter on the picture above: there was no chest split performed and an entire procedure has been performed through the neck; this scar is less then 2 inches, while the thyroid goiter itself is measured 3 and 1/2 inches).
A large multinodular thyroid gland with extension of the entire right side into the right chest cavity. Surgery was performed through the neck incision without chest opening.
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy for small Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.
Scar, 1 year and 3 months after a total thyroidectomy with central neck (level 6 and 7) lymph nodes dissection for a Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.
Scar, 2 weeks after the right thyroid lobectomy (removal of the right side of the thyroid gland) for follicular adenoma that was measuring 4.5 x 2.1 x 3.1 cm (almost 2 inches in size), the scar is less than 2 inches
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy for small Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (multifocal micropapillary thyroid carcinoma) in one lobe and follicular adenoma in another lobe.
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy.
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter.
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes (level 6 and 7) dissection for papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy for 2.1 cm (about an inch) Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma on the right side.
Gigantic thyroid gland that was removed in 42-year-old female (picture below). The gland was extending inside of her left chest cavity for about 4 -5 inches. It was almost completely inside of her left chest cavity, and was not noticeable on the direct neck examination but only had being seen on CT scan. It was completely removed through the neck incision without splitting her chest bone (sternum)
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy in the patient mentioned above. The patient had only a neck incision for the removal of this gigantic thyroid gland that has extended inside of the her chest cavity for about 4 -5 inches on the left. It was completely removed through the neck incision without splitting her chest bone (sternum)
Scar, 3 months after a total thyroidectomy for follicular thyroid carcinoma in 73-year-old male patient. The patient also had radioactive iodine treatment after the surgery
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes (level 6 and 7) dissection for papillary thyroid carcinoma in 22-year-old female.
Scar, 7 years after total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease.
Scar, 2 weeks after the total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinomas 3 cm and 3.2 cm in the right thyroid lobe.
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes (level 6 and 7) dissection for 2.5 cm (1 inch) papillary thyroid carcinoma in 22-year-old female.
Scar, 3 years after a left thyroid lobectomy in 25-year-old female for 2 cm x 2 cm (less than an inch) follicular adenoma.
Scar, 2 weeks after the right lobectomy for 2.5 cm (1 inch) follicular adenoma (7.8.2013)
Scar, 2 weeks after the total thyroidectomy with central neck (level 6 and 7) lymph nodes dissection for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma metastatic to the central neck lymph nodes (02.12.13)
Scar, 2 weeks after the total thyroidectomy with central neck (level 6 and 7) lymph nodes dissection for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC) (12.28.13)
Scar, 2 weeks after the right thyroid lobectomy for follicular adenoma (1.21.13)
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroid (7.31.13)
Scar, 2 weeks after a total thyroid for PTC (1.21.13)
Scar, 2 weeks after the total thyroidectomy for follicular adenoma and additional postoperative findings of micro PTC (1.24.13).
Scar, 2 weeks after the total thyroidectomy for 2.1 cm (about an inch) PTC in the right thyroid lobe (1.30.13)
Scar, 2 months after the total thyroidectomy for PTC in 85 year-old female (7.17.2013)
Scar, 1year and 3 months after the total thyroidectomy with central neck (level 6 and 7) lymph nodes dissection for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC).
Scar, 5 year after a total thyroidectomy for Graves’ disease with postoperative pathological findings of bilateral micro papillary thyroid carcinoma (7.24.2013)
Scar, two weeks after a total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma
Scar, 3 months after the thyroid lobectomy and parathyroidectomy
Scar, 2 weeks after a parathyroidectomy for parathyroid hyperplasia with removal of 3 and ½ parathyroid glands, and simultaneous total thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter with findings of a micropapillary thyroid carcinoma.
Scars, 6 months after the total thyroidectomy with bilateral central neck and left modified radical
neck lymph nodes dissections in 26 year-old male with widely metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Scar in 1 year after the total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma in 49 year-old female
Scar in 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy with findings of a 0.4 cm papillary thyroid carcinoma on the left side in 61-year-old female
Scar in 1 year after a total thyroidectomy for bilateral papillary thyroid carcinoma (1.4 cm on the right and and 1.5 cm on the left) in 49-year-old female
Scar in 2 weeks after the total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease in 49-year-old female
Scar in 2.5 years after the right thyroid lobectomy in 68 year-old female
Scar in 2 weeks after total thyroidectomy for 0.7 cm papillary thyroid carcinoma and multinodular goiter in 54 year old female.
Scar in 4 years after a total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes dissection for a multifocal bilateral papillary thyroid carcinoma in 64-year-old female
Scar in 2 years after the right thyroid lobectomy for the large, 3.6 cm nodule, in a 70 year old female
Scar in two weeks after a total thyroidectomy for the toxic multinodular goiter with a very large thyroid gland (weight 1/2 lbs).”
Scar in 2 weeks after total thyroidectomy for toxic multinodular goiter in 36 year-old female”
Scar ( 1 inch) in 21 year old female in 2 weeks after the total thyroidectomy and central neck lymph nodes dissection in patient with papillary thyroid carcinoma
Scar in 4 years after total thyroidectomy
Scar in two weeks after total for papillary thyroid carcinoma in 53 year old female
Scar in two weeks in 16 year old girl after the left thyroid lobectomy for 5 cm (2 inches) toxic thyroid nodule
Scar in 2 weeks after the total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes dissection for papillary thyroid carcioma 44 year old female
Scar in 8 months after the total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes dissection for a papillary thyroid carcinoma in 55 year old female
Scar in 2 weeks after total thyroidectomy in 71 year old female with gigantic thyroid extending inside of the chest cavity
Scar in 2 weeks after a total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes dissection in 15 yo girl
Scar in 2 weeks after the competition of total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes dissection for papillary thyroid carcinoma in 15 years old girl. This is the scar in one month after her second surgery. Her first surgery, the excision of her left thyroid lobe for 4 cm tumor, was one moth prior to this surgery and it was reported as a cancer on the final pathological evaluation
Scar in 2 weeks after the left thyroid lobectomy for a 5 cm follicular neoplasm
Scar in 1 year after minimally invasive total thyroidectomy
First photo with neck: A 51 year-old female with multinodular goiter and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: scar in 2 weeks after total thyroidectomy
Second photo of thyroid gland: A 51 year-old female with multinodular goiter and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: total thyroid gland after the removal
Scar in 2 weeks after total thyroidectomy for Graves’ disease in 53 year old female
Scar in 2 weeks after total thyroidectomy for Grave’s disease